Sunday, May 24, 2009

Hold my 4th grader back...yes or no?

The 2008-2009 school year has been an extremely difficult year for my son. He has gone through a lot this year. His father deployed for the first major deployment of his military career, Ian's Tourettes syndrome had gone totally bonkers, and his school has had major issues in the faculty department. I am struggling with the choice of holding Ian back in the 4th grade for another year. I have spoken to the teachers and they say he is doing "ok". His handwriting is horrible. He can not stay on task. He is very easily distract able. He has missed alot of time this particular school year. Like I said his Dad is deployed to Iraq, which in turn has caused an extraordinary amount of anxiety. Anxiety only makes Ian's "Tics" worse. When he is at school children make fun of his "Tics" and the teachers did not do alot to help the situation either. I worry about Ian's reading. I am thinking I would prefer to hold him back and him be an amazing 4th grader again next year as oppose to him moving along to 4th grade and struggling and falling behind yet again. I have asked friends and family there opinion on this matter and I really have not gotten a clear answer. I figured I needed to speak to other moms like me. When Ian has something he needs more information on I always tell him to google it! I followed my own advice, kinda.
I went to and
I found so many other moms struggling with the same type of questions. I was able to read through the posts on that site and get a good perspective from all different sides in regards to holding him back. I believe I can make a sound decesion about this now.

It is always best to look up the topic if you don't know the answer. Now we have websites created for moms by moms. Can it get any better than that? NO! I will be saving the link to the sites as some of my favorites. It is a God send!

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