Thursday, November 27, 2008

Do not tell your 9 year old to clean his mess

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent with day with our adopted family and we had a blast. Felt just like home. We got home after being gone for 5 hours and I told Ian to let the dog out. Well of course the tie out was all tangled up. Rather than untangle it Ian just decided not to let Lola outside. Needless to say she went potty in the house by the back door. Not her fault and she never potty"s in the house. I told Ian it was his responsibility to clean it up because he did not put her outside to potty like I told her to. BIG mistake! Ian decide he would mop the kitchen floor with Dawn dish soap. I asked him why he had soap all over the floor. He said "mom I might as well clean the entire kitchen floor if I was already going to mop a small spot". How can you argue with that logic. I will never tell him to clean the floor again unless I am in the room to supervise.


Unknown said...

aww,that is so cute! I did a very similar thing when I was 8 but with commet which stripped the entire floor. It was not a good thing but great intentions. Please post pics of your puppy!!

Tanya said...

OMG that is so funny! Yeah they can have great logic quite often and we cannot argue with them! I'm glad you had a good Thanksgiving! Thanks for letting us adopt you and Ian while Harlen is away!